Wednesday, September 2, 2015

How To Live With Your Asthma

How To Live With Your AsthmaIf you have asthma, managing it is an important part of your life. Controlling your asthma symptoms means staying away from things that bother your airways and taking medicines as directed by your doctor. If you have asthma, it is important to learn how to take care of yourself and learn what natural remedies can help you and what diet will reduce your asthma symptoms.

It is important that you work with your doctor to make an action plan that you are both happy with. As part of this, you will need to:

* Tell your doctor about all other medications, drugs, and natural remedies you are taking, in case one of them affects your asthma.

* Follow your asthma action plan and have regular checkups.

* Learn to use your medication correctly. Ask your doctor to teach you how to use your inhaler. This is very important. If inhalers are not used correctly, less medication gets into the airways.

Check Also: What asthma is 

You also need to learn to identify and avoid the things that can worsen or trigger your asthma symptoms. These include:

* If animal dander is a problem for you, keep your cat out of the house and/or at least out of your bedroom and wash your pet often, or find it a new home.

* Quit smoking And do not allow smoking in your home.

* If pollen is a problem for you, stay indoors with the air conditioner on when the pollen count is high.

* To control dust mites, wash your sheets, blankets, pillows, and stuffed toys once a week in hot water. You can get special dust proof covers for your mattress and pillows.

* To prevent colds and flu keep your immune system up and strong by taking natural remedies.

* If you get asthma when you exercise or do routine physical activities like climbing stairs, work with your doctor to find ways to be active without having asthma symptoms. Physical activity is important.

* Try to keep humidity levels in the home between 30 and 50 percent. High humidity can promote growth of biological agents that may trigger asthma episodes. Use exhaust fans or open windows in the kitchen or bathroom areas when cooking, using the dishwasher, or taking showers. Make sure clothes dryers are vented to the outdoors, and use a dehumidifier in the basement if necessary.

Check Also: What causes allergies

* Avoid using humidifiers

* Minimize exposure to combustion particles and gases that can cause breathing difficulties for people with asthma. Have combustion-powered furnaces, stoves, or heaters checked yearly to make sure they are operating properly. Change furnace filters according to the manufacturer’s instructions, or every month or two during periods of use.

* Avoid sprays like deodorants, perfumes, or air fresheners, odours from paint

* Keep the house clean to reduce allergens like microscopic dust mites, pollen, and animal dander. Use an allergen-proof comforter and encase mattresses. Wash bedding frequently in hot.


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