Monday, November 2, 2015

Nutritional Supplements Are They Really Essential For Good Health

Why should I take nutritional supplements? Can’t I just eat healthy, exercise, drink plenty of water, etc.? A fair question. After all, quality nutritional supplements are not cheap. Let’s look at the arguments for taking nutritional supplements in addition to a healthy lifestyle.

Argument #1: Foods no longer contain the nutrition they should

Due to modern processing and farming methods, foods that should be high in certain nutrients no longer are. For example, the tomato is an excellent source of phytonutrients, specifically, lycopene. But when you buy a tomato from the grocery store, there is little to no lycopene or other nutrients left in it. The tomato was likely grown on nutrient depleted soil, fertilized and sprayed with toxic chemicals, picked green, then gassed to turn it red. Little wonder it has no nutrition value left!

Another culprit in the nutrition depletion of foods is food cooking and preparation. Even if you could acquire a nutrient rich tomato, cooking or storing the tomato will destroy most of the nutrients. For example, studies have shown that phytonutrients begin breaking down less than 24 hours after the vegetable was picked!

Of course, there are many other factors contributing to the poor nutrient content of foods: breeding, GMOs, storage, etc, etc. Once you consider all of the factors causing the poor nutrient content in food, it becomes quite logical to take supplements to replace these nutrients.

Argument #2: You no longer eat the right foods

If you eat a 100% organic, fresh diet, you’re a long ways ahead of the rest. Of course, the foods you’re eating are still nutrient depleted, as we saw above.

But for the rest, you need to supplement your diets also because you’re just not eating the foods you should. French fries are the most consumed vegetable in the u.s. We’re just not getting the nutrients you need!

Nutritional Supplements Are They Really Essential For Good Health

Argument #3: Environmental stress necessitates nutritional supplements

The los angeles Times ran an article revealing a startling finding: scientists announced that by the time a child born in LA was 2 weeks old, he had already been exposed to more toxins than would be acceptable for his entire life! While you don’t all live in los angeles, you’re all subject to environmental stress that puts extra burden on your immune systems. Even your drinking water has chemicals and toxins in it.

The best way to counter the stress on your body’s health caused by all of these toxins and such is to support your body with proper nutrition. Since your foods are nutrient depleted, the only way to properly support your health is through nutritional supplements.

Argument #4: Nutritional supplements allow to benefit from nutrient rich foods around the world.

Even if your foods weren’t nutrient depleted and your environment wasn’t toxic, nutritional supplements would still have benefit. They allow to benefit from plants and nutrient rich foods found around the world that otherwise you would be unable to benefit from. Good examples would be the goji berry from china, the australian bush plum, and many others.

Do you want optimal health? The only way to properly support your body’s health is to take quality nutritional supplements.


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